Self-Care Sunday…Kon-Mari Your Life


By now you have probably heard of Marie Kondo and KonMari method of organization and tiding your home.  If not, let me share a few links to get you started!  Her website, which offers a wealth of tips and information, her first book, which was was a New York Times best-seller, and finally, the trailer to her new show on NetFlix, Tiding Up with Marie Kondo. She states her mission in life is to spark joy through cleaning and tidying.  Now before you roll your eyes and quit reading, hear me out.  I was very skeptical of this method at first.  As someone who has loved organizing and tiding all my life, I felt like I had a good handle on all of this and the last thing I needed was to learn a whole new method, the proverbial you can’t teach an old dog new tricks mentality. But after reading the books and most recently, watching her show on Netflix, I have changed my tune. This old dog is excited to report she is happily using new tricks and having great results!  Throughout the next few months, I will be reviewing the different aspects of this method and how it can help you make the best possible use of the space you have been blessed with. I honestly feel that whatever stage of life you are in, this method can benefit you, not only in organizing and caring for your possessions but in dealing with the mental clutter that plagues us all. When your surroundings are cluttered and messy, it affects your entire life. While the terms neat and clean are subjective, everyone performs better in an environment that has some semblance of order to it.  And the feelings of pride and self-confidence that come alongside getting control of your space once and for all are genuinely life-changing.

“The moment you start tidying, you reset your life.”

Marie Kondo

Her system is a daunting one, as you will see on the trailer for her show.  Most cleaning and organization methods have you go room by room, and what typically happens is you move one pile of stuff from room to room.  With the KonMari method, you are attacking one category at a time.  While this does make a bigger mess in the process, it is quite eye-opening to see all your things gathered in one place.  It will not only shock you, but it will also help you to realize how much you have to be grateful for in your life.  That is the ultimate goal of tidying up, to learn to cherish everything you have so you can achieve happiness within yourself and appreciate what you have. So take some time in the upcoming weeks to check out Marie’s new series, or check out her book (she has two books, but I highly recommend reading the first before beginning, it lays the groundwork for the entire system).  I can promise you that a decluttered home will help you achieve an uncluttered mind, and that is something we all need more off in our lives!

Self-Care Sunday…Just Say No To the Snooze Button!!!

26 mars klocka

We all have done it even though we know it is a horrible idea….somehow we think if I could just have 12.5 more minutes of sleep our life would be better….we know this is not the truth…we know we will not get good solid rest for those 12.5 minutes….that we will have those crazy Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Green Jeans kind of dreams.  The snooze button…we think it is our friend, but in reality, it is one of the biggest deterrents to having a successful morning routine.  I promise this isn’t just me saying this. Hitting the snooze button repeatedly inflicts “cardiovascular assault” on the body and abuses your nervous system, a neuroscientist has warned. I don’t know about you, but the words cardiovascular assault makes me feel a bit anxious inside.  According to  Huffington Post

Why snoozing can be bad for you now: Like we said, the body needs some time to get you ready to wake up. When you let yourself go back to sleep, your body thinks, “False alarm! I guess I didn’t need to do anything because we’re not getting up after all,” and settles in. When that buzzer goes off a second time, Pelayo says that your body and brain are taken by surprise, resulting in that groggy, fuzzy-headed feeling called sleep inertia. The more you snooze, the more confused your body and brain get (“So are we going back to sleep or not?!”), so you’ll probably feel more out of it even though you actually spent extra time in bed. What’s more, this type of sleep inertia can persist for up to two to four hours, research has found.


And I know that when I hit the snooze, I am immediately hit with self-deprecating thoughts.  Thoughts like “You are so lazy and worthless, you can’t stick to a routine for even a day.  You are a total loser”…and on and on it goes; a vicious and unrelenting assault.  And as an added bonus you are throwing off your internal clock.  Getting up at a different time every day confuses your brain.  Those stolen minutes are just not worth it, so make up your mind once and for all to just say no to the snooze button.  I know it’s not easy, but I promise it is so worth it.  Try putting the alarm clock across the room, where you have to get up to turn the phone off.  If you are a coffee drinker, try setting the timer on your coffee pot a few minutes earlier than your alarm…the smell of coffee brewing helps you wake some people up.  One thing I have found that helped me is to have something to look forward to when I get up, to do something I really enjoy doing.  For me, this is reading and journaling.  I have also found that if I have some sort of physical activity as soon as I get up, it helps keep me up.  Nothing crazy or excessive…think 10 jumping jacks or a few toe touches.  It’s that initial five minutes that is the hardest for me.   How about making a pledge this week with me, a promise to just say no to the snooze button, and see how your mornings go. You can do it, I believe in you!  I can do it, I believe in me!!  We are worth it!!!

Self-Care Sunday

fullsizeoutput_2126In Sunday Self-Care I talked a bit about planning as a form of self-care.  When we take the time to invest a bit in our week on the front end, the pay off is a smoother and less stressful week.  Which leads to a more peaceful less stressed you…one of the main goals of these Sunday posts.   Many people view self-care as something you do when you are burned out and unable to keep up with the basic requirements of life.  But that is living life in reaction mode.  In order to have the abundant and fruitful life that we long for we must learn to live life more in the responding mode. We know ourselves better than anyone and know what we need to be the best version possible.  This is more of a preventative approach to mental and emotional health, the things we need to do to keep burnout from becoming a way of life.  And I know that sometimes you feel like adding one more thing to an already overfilled schedule is impossible, I promise you if you make the time to take care of yourself, the other stuff will fall into place.  It’s like the example of putting sand in the jar and then attempting to put all the rocks in, inevitably all the rocks won’t fit.  But, if you place the rocks in first and then pour the sand in you can fit so much more in your jar.  To me, planning is one of those rocks you should add to your jar first.  Planning is a very individualistic thing, and you have to find out what works for you,  Some people swear by electronic planning, however, I am an old school paper and pencil kind of girl, so that is reflected in the way I plan.  I have never found one planner that met all my needs, so I combine pages from several different sources to create something that best serves me.  I have always preferred ring-bound planners, they give e the ability to add sections and remove sections as seasons in my life change.  I would say that is a key concept in planning, realizing that your needs change, and adapting your planning system to meet you where you are at the moment.  Think of your planner as your very own administrative assistant, it’s working for you to make your life a bit less stressful and chaotic. On Sundays, I take the time to plan my week. The three things that have been consistent in my planner over the years are 1) a monthly calendar 2) a daily page and 3) a menu planner.  My monthly calendar contains appointments, school holidays and important events and birthdays.  Since I make it a habit of carrying my planner with me when I am out when I make an appointment I immediately write it down in my planner.  No scraps of paper, no appointment cards, no trying to remember what calendar it was written on, one central location.  Do you see how that could eliminate a little bit of stress from your life?  And I carry a full year of monthly pages in my planner at all times, so those 6 months out dentist appointments don’t get lost in the everyday part of life.  After I have checked my monthly calendar for any obligations coming up, I date a week’s worth of daily pages.  Now I know daily pages aren’t for everyone, some people find a week on a two page spread to be all they need. This is where your individual needs and preferences come into play.  I use my daily pages to track my spending, my water intake,  a gratitude journal for the day, along with a to-do list and schedule planner.  During my Sunday planning, I write appointments on the proper day, plan out work assignments, and finally place my weekly scheduled tasks on their proper day. Next, I plan our meal plan for the upcoming week.  It helps me to have a basic plan I try to follow each week; Monday-crock-pot or insta-pot meal, Tuesday a beef main dish, Wednesday quick and easy meal (think grilled cheese and tomato soup) Thursday chicken main dish and, Friday fish or non-meat main dish. While these three sections remain a constant in my planning, other sections come and go.  I like to have a section for each child, this is where I write down their school schedule, bus number, clothing size, wants and needs list…you get the picture.  I also like to have a section for goals, so I am able to look over it periodically and see how I am progressing.  Maybe you would like a section to write down books or movies or podcasts that people recommend. How about a section to write down inspirational quotes, a place to put your own wants/needs list or a place to keep notes on things you read or hear.  You get the idea, the sky is the limit.  This is your planner and your system, it as individual as you are. You can find plenty of free printables online or maybe, if you are creative, design your own to best fit your needs.  There are also plenty of places online to buy pre-printed pages. It can be something as simple as a blank notebook that you use to keep track of things, or as complex as a personally designed system of pages and sections, the important thing is that you use it. This is why a Sunday planning day works for me.   Now, does this mean that everything always goes according to the plan?  Nope, but I know if it is written down it is much more likely to get done.  As the saying goes, failing to plan is planning to fail.  This type of structure allows me to be a better steward of my time, which leads to a more productive day.  So maybe as we enter into this second full week of 2019, you give this planning thing a try.  What do you have to lose??  And if you have any questions about the specific pages I use, leave them in the comments below, I think I have tried every kind of planner out there at one time or another!!  Have a beautiful week!